Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Take a Ride Thru Amsterdam

Strolling along the streets of Amsterdam one will hear the ringing of bicycle bells as a group of riders cycle by. If you are as absent minded as me you will hear many bells and shouts to move out of the way after stepping to the bike lane of the sidewalk once again.
It is a pretty good estimate that everyone in the city rides a bicycle. Driving by a school early in the morning we saw many cyclists riding up and parking their bikes before running into the building. The sidewalks are divided into three lanes, one for riders and one for pedestrians. Driving through the city you will spot hundreds of bikes locked up to every light pole, tree, and rack that can be found. Even in the winter months people get on their bikes every day and ride through the city at any time.
Amsterdam is a unique and liberating city that is ahead of its time. They are accepting of all different types of people. When we were touring the historic sites the other day our tour guide was showing where the first gay couple was married and a monument dedicated to those that are gay. There are street performers and artists everywhere that show their moves and drop some beats for any passerby. There is graffiti all over the city, but it is street art and not vandalism.
Amsterdam is a city ahead of its time, and we can only hope that one day other countries will be as accepting of all different people.

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