Friday, January 21, 2011

Brussels you’re like an ex boyfriend.

Hey Brussels, what's up?
I hope you’re doing well because I want to have a few words with you. Not to upset you, Brussels but you really need to up your game. Don’t get me wrong the hotel we stayed at was a million times better than the one we survived in Paris but still. So you have a peeing kid, so what? Let me take you to the daycare that was downstairs from my old apartment, there are like 5 kids peeing there right now!

The reason I say you’re like an ex-boyfriend though is because, in my journey with you, we had many ups and downs. One up I already mentioned, the hotel. That was my first exposure to you, when I entered the room I think I might have literally said, “oh my gosh! No way!” just like I might say meeting a cute guy for the first time who makes a Lost reference. In other words we were on good terms. Then later that night we all had dinner as a group together and the beer was good but I’m not gonna lie the food wasn’t all that great, sorry. Here’s the thing though, I know it’s not fair to compare you to Paris, my love before you, but I’m gonna do it anyway and I’m just saying Paris knocked you out of the park as far as food is concerned. (Although it’s not your fault that I chose to have Quick while I was there but I did and it didn’t help your case.) But the people were very friendly which I was oh so thankful for. I was beginning to worry about the human race while in France but you made me feel good, Belgium. People smile in your country!!! At this point you were like a boyfriend who apologized after a fight by buying me Manchester Orchestra tickets or taking me to see a Robert Downey Jr. movie, we were cool for the moment but still a bit shaky.

The next day though, I went to do a little shopping, it was raining so that was an unfortunate strike against you but I tried to make the best of it. Long story short though I walked away after 2 1/2 hours of shopping with nothing in hand and I really wanted to buy something BRUSSELS! (yes capital letters, I am yelling at you.) I was very disappointed at this point, no cute British actor in the lobby of our hotel could make up for it either. (Shout out to Tia) So I went back to my room and sulked by my lonesome. Were you really going to do this to me Brussels? After everything? But wait! There was hope. Just then Emma knocked on my door, she said we should go out that night. Fast forward to hours later and to the thing that bailed you out of the dog house – Delirium Café. A bar in Brussels with over 2000 beers and that’s not a typo either. When we walked in we all had smiles on our faces, this place had 3 floors and tons of people. It was exactly what I needed, Brussels…why were you trying to hide it from me? We went to all the floors and got drinks and we were all such happy campers. But you know what happens at Delirium stays at Delirium so all I’m gonna say is it was definitely a highlight of the trip for me and yes I owe it all to you Brussels. So here’s the thing, our time together ended up on a positive note so where does that put us my dear? Just like my real life relationships, I have no idea. But stay safe Brussels I have a feeling we’re gonna keep in touch.

Ps. Your Metro sucks, step up the game on that too.

Thanks for listening,

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