Friday, January 14, 2011


Our last night in Paris could not have past any better. The whole group bonded. It was a uncommonly remarkable moment. We owe it all to our little entertainer, he really got the party going. Listening to him play the guitar to songs we all know really set up the vibe for the night. It’s crazy that a group of people who barely knew each other in Chicago have made so many memories together in Europe. I have tons of videos singing and laughing at one another, some of us are defiantly tone deaf haha.

Even though I was sad we were leaving, it was my favorite day spent in Paris. I got to explore the streets of alone which made it more of a soul searching expeirence. I made some friends, I got lost (haha) and I saw some pretty random things. Like a guy in front of the Louvre who was blowing bubbles with these giant random but cool.

What made the last day so impressive was my solo trip to the Fashion History Museum. It’s a hidden museum inside of the Louvre. IT WAS STUNNING. Some people look at Venus De Milo and tears of passion and love roll down their faces, but when I see a marvelously crafted couture gown, I can’t help it, tears swell up. So I guess it was a good thing I was alone because I was basically blown away by everything.

It was a swamp of designers. You look left and you see Dior, right Gautiller, straight Alexander McQueen and then turn around there’s Balenciaga!! I almost passed out.

When you see renowned clothing with your own eyes it’s completely shocking from when you see it in a magazine or on TV. Everything instantly becomes more real and you start thinking about all the work individuals put into crafting. Hours and hours of drawing, measuring, choosing colors, sewing...thank god I only have to write about it.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I truly admire the creative people in the world. Which brings me to my other favorite moment of the trip. When a small group of our group went to the fashion brand 11 Colors and talked to the director of menswear Golnaz Adham Khazei. She was awesome. Everything about her was unique. It would be hard to find a designer like her in Chicago. I’m going to write my feature story on her because her journey into the fashion world and where she is now is quite astounding. I’ll give you a little sneak peak: She started out at one of Europe’s top house designers and interned with him for 1 year and left that job (which millions of girls would have killed for) and got offered a position created just for her at the clothing line she is at now, 11.

How impressive is that?! They literally created a position just for her. Well I could talk about fashion for hours so I’ll leave it rest until my feature story :) Stayyyyy tuned!!

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