Friday, January 14, 2011

I Love the Eiffel Tower, but Just as a Friend

Perhaps I was jetlagged or perhaps simply jaded, but for the first day or two in Paris, it just didn’t feel like Paris. Don’t get me wrong, everything I saw was jaw-dropping but I hadn’t gotten that “little kid on Christmas morning” feeling yet.

That is, until I saw the Eiffel Tower.

While walking to a nearby meeting, my group and I decided to cut through a park. We turned the corner and BOOM—there she was in all her glory. I was finally in Paris.
I started towards it with a strange combination of running and skipping while continuously looking back at the rest of my group to see if they shared my excitement.

Much to my chagrin, everyone else was acting like they had seen it hundreds of times. I kept shouting various things like, “Is anyone else seeing this!?” “Why aren’t you excited?!” and “Oh my God, I’m so excited!”

It’s hard to imagine iron looking soft and elegant but it was more gorgeous than I could ever have imagined it would be. It still looked beautiful in the gloomy rain with water dripping onto the tourists below. No picture I have ever seen of the tower comes close to doing it justice.

I took some painstaking pictures which I plan on cherishing forever.
As I fell in love with it, my mind wandered to an episode of the Tyra Banks show I had recently seen. What? Tyra Banks? What does Tyra Banks have to do with the Eiffel Tower? Not quite as much as Erika Eiffel does.

Remember when you were in grade school and if you said you liked something, the usual response from your friends was, “Well if you like it so much, why don’t you marry it?” And that’s exactly with Erika Eiffel did.

Erika Eiffel, formerly LaBrie, married the Eiffel Tower in 2007. Erika suffers from a unique disorder called objectum sexuality; an affliction which causes her to feel an emotional and physical love for inanimate objects. Since then, she’s been the subject of dozens of documentaries and news stories and has become an ambassador for objectophiles all over the world.

Here’s a clip from her appearance on the Tyra Show:

And here's an interview with Erika from the official OS website:

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