Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Race is a taboo word!

I find it so funny and sad that when I hear about France’s color blind policy I feel so confused about the idea that people here claim not to be racist towards anyone regardless of their color or race. It is so hard for me to think that something like that is possible and it can be because I might be ignorant or the fact that I live in a country where my family and me are minorities. In all the briefings we have gone to they talk about this color blind policy and how in France there is no such thing as minorities or ethnic groups and it is illegal to ask about your race and such words are taboo. But I find that they contradict themselves because then there is this whole issue about banning the burqa (even though they argue that that policy has nothing to do with racism but more about laicité). And then the speaker from the Arab World Institute, Phillipe Cardinal, said that the media does not portray Arabs as professionals. So I don’t know if I’m just being too close minded and that in fact France is a country where racism does not exist or France just doesn’t want to admit that in their “perfect” country there is racism and minorities just have not realized it. I don’t know but it’s all a bit confusing to me. On a different topic I can’t believe our last day in Paris is tomorrow this week has just flown by!!! Oh and I had one of those famous Fallafels everyone was talking about…one word DELICIOUS!!!

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