Monday, January 10, 2011

Doing the France Dance with my French Friends

Just like the picture says: -Life Is Beautiful-

I have only been in Paris for five days, and I can honestly say I made one friend. Her name is… Ms. French Phone Operator.

I know what you’re thinking, “Alessandra, why are you blogging about the French phone operator and who are you calling.” Don’t worry I was not calling my dear friend Mr. Sarkozy, but instead was trying to get a hold of my family friend Roxeane who lives in Paris.

I can’t explain how disappointing and frustrating it is to sit in front of a phone and dial a number multiple times, to hear in French that the number is not correct. Even after having tried all forms of the 001+33+[ number], I still received the same result- Ms. French Operator.

Finally, after 1789 tries my call finally went through, and I was so excited to speak to Roxeane. Shortly after our conversation, we met up in San Paul (Jewish Quarter in Paris) and we waited in line for about an hour to get into a small restaurant called L’as Du Fallafel. The food was beyond fantastic. No falafel will ever compare to the one I ate on January 9, 2011. After lunch, we walked around, and stopped inside a jewelry store that had English phrases on the wall. I took plenty of pictures. Then Roxane, her mother Nathalie and I stopped for espresso and cappuccino at La Brasserie de L'isle saint- Louis. La Brasserie de L'isle saint- Louis is a famous cafe that has been around since the 1930's. I was amazed the town (San Paul) had so many vintage stores and authentic restaurants.

Even though it was a hassle figuring out the phone number, I enjoyed spending the day with my friend and her mother. I learned so much about the Jewish Quarter and ate so well. So, to Roxeane and her mother Nathalie, thank you for the wonderful day, and thank you L’as Du Fallafel for making my taste buds so happy.

However, now since I know how to make a telephone call I think I miss my friend…Ms. French phone operator.

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